If you’re anything like most people, you always procrastinate when it comes to packing for a move. It’s easy to think, “Oh, I still have plenty of time. I’ll start packing tomorrow.” But then, the day before my move, you’ll be running around like a crazy person trying to box everything up. Sometimes too, a last-minute move isn’t your fault. It could be your job causing you to move elsewhere, or there’s an emergency that is forcing you to be closer to family. Nonetheless, a relocation that’s a race against the clock can wrack you up worse than a typical move will. To help manage the process and get it over with fast, below are some surefire packing tips that will serve you well.
1. Create a To-Do List
In any last-minute operation, a to-do list will do you wonders. It might seem like a hassle at the moment, but trust me, it will save you from a lot of headaches later on. That said, the list doesn’t have to be extensive. Just write down a short inventory of items you need to pack and prioritize them according to value and importance. Pack the most necessary things first, like cookware, bathroom supplies, tools used for work, etc. So during unloading, multiple trips are not required, which saves you more time for other tasks at hand.
2. Divide Your Belongings Into ‘Keep,’ ‘Give Away,’ & ‘Throw Out’ Categories
As you go over your possessions, separate your household inventory into three piles: to keep, give away, or throw out. To keep means those items you will bring with you. Give away those things you are not going to use anymore but will still benefit others. Hence, you’re willing to donate them to others. And throw out basically means junk that should be thrown out or disposed of properly. Another good way to get rid of items would be to hold a quick garage sale if you still have the time.
3. Start Early
The key to a successful last-minute move is simply getting a good head start. So sleep early and then wake up early to start packing. This also gives you more time to prepare and adjust, making you less prone to mistakes.
4. Focus on One Room at A Time
It’s easy to get lost on track when there’s a time constraint surrounding your move. However, you should still approach the process as systematically as you can. Randomly packing stuff will eat away your morale while giving you the feeling that you haven’t dented the insurmountable task yet. So start by prepping one room at a time to keep things organized. It’s advisable to tackle the kitchen first since it’s probably the most complex room in your house. The sooner you get it done, the easier other rooms will seem to be. While you’re packing, don’t forget to label your boxes with what room they belong in so that when it’s time for the movers to come, they know where to put everything! This will save you both time and confusion.
5. Hire Professional Movers ASAP
When things get too complicated and stressful for you to handle by yourself, don’t hesitate to entrust the job to the experts.
Professional movers know what needs to be done when it comes to moving heavy objects like furniture and appliances up or down the stairs. They use appropriate tools like dollies, straps, zip ties to protect your valuables during long-distance moves. Another important thing – everything is done correctly and fast, minimizing any damage incurred by hiring assistance.
If you think you’ll go broke by this, fear not! It might not be necessary to hire professional movers for the whole task because you can ask them for help in packing and loading your belongings. Hiring movers specializing in load/unload services will save you much time because they are familiar with packing techniques.
6. Color-Code Your Boxes
Marking boxes one by one can cause unpacking to become confusing and time-consuming. The solution? Color-coding! How to do this? Simply use colored stickers to label each box with the room it belongs to. Doing this will allow you to find information when unpacking and move around more efficiently quickly. If some packages get lost along the way (which is bound to happen), you’ll be able to identify where they should have gone immediately.
7. Prepare a Survival Box
A survival box is a box filled with essentials to get you through the first few days after the move. It should include clothes, toiletries, toothbrushes and toothpaste, some food that won’t spoil quickly (because you will not have time to shop for new groceries), some painkillers in case of headaches or other issues caused by moving.
The point is to have an immediate supply of the essentials so that you do not need to leave the house for quite some time after the move, which would risk further delays due to traffic or schedule problems.

8. Lastly, Keep Calm
A last-minute move is indeed a dreadful situation, so the first tip for packing fast is to stay calm. Everything should fall into place if you follow the steps above closely. Try to stay organized and finish one objective at a time. Good luck!